The Swedish parliament decided to approve the government's proposal on changes in the Covered Bond…
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Market Union the EU commission published a consultation on the possibility of integrating the regula…
The Swedish government has proposed to amend the Swedish covered bond legislation in order to includ…
We are proud to welcome Skandiabanken as a new member of ASCB. Skandiabanken got their permit to iss…
All these programmes have Aaa today but due to this the rating will be more stable. TPI stands for T…
Jonny Sylvén has now begun his work with ASCB. The intention is that he will coordinate the work in…
ASCB welcomes in its response to the Covered Bond Investor Council (CBIC) the initiative by CBIC reg…
The seven Swedish issuers of covered bonds made in April a joint road show in Frankfurt, Munich and…
ECBC´s plenary meeting on31 March took place in Stockholm at the head offices of Swedbank. Theconfe…
ASCB proposes changes to the EU CRD IV proposal for new liquidity regulations. In a joint document t…
S&P has revised its assumptions for classifying Swedish covered bonds and assign covered bonds issu…
The SwedishParliament approved on 21 April the Government´s bill with amendments of the Covered Bon…
ASCB has commented on the consultations from the Basel Committee and theEU-Commission on possible ch…
The ASCB has together with the Swedish Bankers´ Association issued a recommendation to the Swedish i…
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services is refining and adapting its methodology and assumptions for asse…